Monument to the Alpini is in Piazza Brié and is made of a stone base and a bronze statue of an Alpino (i.e. a soldier belonging to the Italian Mountain Troops) on the top of it. It was built in 1935 by Alpini and veterans, after a drawing of the architect Baldioli from Domodossola. Since 1952 it has undergone a series of improvements and a votive lamp was added together with a commemorative plaque dictated by Captain Giuseppe Romano. In 1950, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the local Alpini group, the motto “The heroes’ sunset will never fade into the night”. In 2005 a commemorative stone dedicated to Italo Cavalli, the group leader of the Alpini from Malesco, was added. Monumento all’aperto, in spazio pubblico.Il Monumento all'Alpino
Il Monumento all'Alpino
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