When we talk of slide stone we refer to a huge erratic soapstone, called the “rock of Lissera”. It is located east of Malesco in the Rio Secco (i.e. dried river) area, about two hundred meters uphill of the cycle path leading to Villette on the right bank of the Melezzo river. According to the popular tradition sliding down this stone, provided fertility powers for young women who could not have children. Slipping, as a propitiatory rite on the excavated surface of this stone, was therefore a common habit in past mythologies and rituals. Near the Slide Stone you can find an explanatory leaflet. Also in the Rio Secco area, near the Malesco cycle path and well identified with an illustrated board, there is a delved stone called “sas d’ la lesna” (the lightning stone) due to the small rounded engravings (cuppelle) often connected together through other small engravings, shaped like loglines. Similar stones date back to pre – Christian era and are believed to be used as primitive altars for sacrificial rites of implorations to gods and to ward off the dangerous and terrifying effects of lightning. It is located outdoors, in a public space. Available for visits throughout the year.The Slide Stone
A slide stone with fertility powers; a delved stone as a primitive altar for sacrificial rites: here is the magic in Valle Vigezzo!
The Slide Stone
The Slide Stone
The Delved Stone
The Delved Stone
The Delved Stone