Eventi Ricorrenti

Recurring Events

Recurring Events

The Ecomuseum of the Soapstone and of the Stonecutters of Malesco offers a wide variety of recurring events and appointments, that allow to fully appreciate the territory. Throughout the year, it’s possible to take part in workshops, museums visits, exhibition spaces, historical sites and naturalistic attractions, without forgetting the International Short Film Festival and much more.

A diverse and miscellaneous cultural proposal, to fully enjoy the territory and its features.

Historical Carnival of Malesco

carnevale ph giorgia bregamaschi archivio carnevale ecomuseo malescoPeriod: the week before the Valle Vigezzo’s Carnival.

An event very much felt by the Community of Malesco who proudly cares for the traditions of the historic Carnival

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Festival “Runditt, turtei e turte ad San Per”

runditt - la preparazione - ecomuseo malesco

Period: June

The first edition took place on June 12th and the initiative, organized by the Academy of the Runditt in collaboration with the Ecomuseum and other associations, is dedicated to local products.

Walking, you learn

Period: summer

Thematic walks through the old town of Malesco and guided tours of the Museum

YoungPeriodo: estate Laboratori creativi e attività per bambiniPeriod: summer Creative labs and activities for children Artists' Workshop

Period: summer

Creative labs and activities for children

Malescorto Film Festival

Period: last week of July

International Short Film Festival, which takes place in Malesco since 1999

Party at the mill

Period: late August

A party organized in collaboration with the community of Zornasco. A day dedicated to activities for families and laboratories.

Curious by nature

Period: summer and winter months

Children’s creative workshops, organized with the library, within the framework of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism.

Christmas Market

Period: last Sunday of November


Religious festivals

Luigi Sotta - trasfigurazione - copia di Raffaello Sanzio

  • St. Gottardo – Finero (early May)
  • Madonna of the Gabbio (end of September)
  • Saints Peter and Paul (end of June)
  • Black Madonna’s Feast (late August-September)
  • Saint Bernard’s (mid-June)
  • St. Rita (May and August)