Cos'è un Ecomuseo?

Un museo del tempo e dello spazio

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The carnival

A toolbox available to the community

Nadia Caretti so defines the Ecomuseum of Malesco, in his thesis dedicated to the town and its historical Carnival.
The Ecomuseum as a tool for protection and enhancement, is available for the community, understands its needs and is : “a sort of toolbox to which the community can confidently entrust the ritual elements and the knowledge they chose to temporarily set aside, being sure they will be preserved and valued, ready to be re-fielded by men and women of Malesco who, like the bricoleurs of Lèvi-Strauss, refurbish and regenerate their tradition. “

Today, thanks to the contribution of the Carnival Committee, this paper has become a book titled The Carnival of Malesco, a community heritage (Meti Edizioni), and is chosen as a textbook for the Cultural Anthropology course of the three-year degree in Languages ​​and Culture for tourism at the University of Turin.
The book is available at the Ecomuseum, that is carryng on an archiving, started in 2013, in collaboration with the Carnival Committee. The intention is to expand the historical archive with the inclusion of photographs, not necessarily linked to the historical Carnival.

I beni immateriali dell’Ecomuseo:



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