Ecomuseum's Gadgets
Name: Gnemmi Dario, La pittura dei Sotta, Ed. Comune di Malesco, Malesco, 2002. – 112 p. in gran parte ill.; 24 cm
COST: 10 euro
Where to find it: Park’s Museum
Name: Bonzani G., Delgrosso Miranda, (testi Cerutti, Falcioni, Valsecchi.), Storia illustrata di Malesco tratta dall’opera di Giacomo Pollini, pp. 108, Copigraf, Milano, 2008
COST: 10 euro
Where to find it: Paark’s Museum
Name: Caretti Nadia, Il carnevale di Malesco, patrimonio della comunità, Meti Edizioni, Collana: Sintesi, Torino, 2016, 152 p., ill., Brossura
COST: 14 euro
Where to find it: Park’s Museum
Name: Short Guide to the Tacc’s Mill , Municipality of Malesco, 2007
COST: free
Where to find it: Park’s Museum
Name:Guide to the Ecomuseums of soapstone and stonecutters, Municipality of Malesco. In 3 languages (IT-EN-DE)
COST: free
Where to find it: Park’s Museum and at the Tourist Office
Name: Poletti Elena, Itinerario ossolano della pietra ollare.Dagli snodi commerciali alle aree di estrazione, Aligraphis, Gravellona Toce 2016, 20 p., ill.
COST: free
Where to find it: Park’s Museum and Tacc’s Mill
Name: Caretti Nadia, Runditt la tradizione che guarda al futuro, Aligraphis, Gravellona Toce 2017, 40 p., ill.
COST: free
Where to find it: park’s museum e Tacc’s Mill
Description: Ecomuseum’s Notebook 9,5 X 14,5 cm
COST: 5 euro
Where to find it: Park’s Museum e Tacc’s Mill
Description: Ecomuseum’s Pencil
COST: 2 euro
Where to find it: Park’s Museum e Tacc’s Mill
Description: Case with colored pencils and key ring
COST: 4 euro
Where to find it: Park’s Museum e Tacc’s Mill